Saturday, January 22, 2011

What I eat:
Many people have a really hard time planning and preparing their meals. This was very confusing to me at first because I wasn't used to doing it. I was used to not eating breakfast, starving, going to lunch and pigging out, getting tired, going home starving, pigging out and getting tired again. I just ate what was ever available. I didn't think of it Blueberries as carbs, proteins or fat, I just saw it as something to stop my hunger. I never thought about what it really was or how it effected my body.
Now I see it as fuel. Fuel for the day, fuel for my workouts, and fuel that burns fat when I'm not working out. Google thermogenic effect of food. I was kinda lost when I first started. I now look at food in a totally different way after stumbling through it. I did what I preach. I first changed, then tried again. I then changed something then tried some more. I still change my nutrition because there is always more to learn about food and your body. I'm posting this as a guide. The intent is that you will see how I combined foods and begin to combine your own or make new ones. It's main purpose is to open your eyes to combinations and groupings. These are not recipes and are very basic meals. Spice them up as you go along, but understand the basics.
Also check out my post in the nutrition section on preparing meals for work here: Nutrition: Preparing For Work
I'm going to break this down into some basic steps to get your started.

** Disclaimer: I am probably on a much higher calorie nutrition program than most of you so if the portions see to be too much you need to just use less. So if it says 1 Cup, you need to try 1/2 or 1/4 a cup. Oh, I'm not a nutritionist either. I'm just a guy that is on a journey, read a good bit on nutrition, experimented with myself and learned as I go. These foods represent my basic "GO TO MEALS" as it were. I use some recipes but this is the foundation of my nutrition. From here I spice it up.

  • How do I break down my meals?

    • The guide suggests 3 main meals and 2 snacks.

      • Snacks: I suggest you use the snacks as protein bars/protein powders or fruit. A combination of the two is also good if you are on a higher calorie nutrition program.
      • Meals: The main meals should make up the bulk of you calories. These should consist of a lean protein(fish, chicken, turkey), carbohydrate(veggies), and a fat (almonds, peanut butter,etc)

        • I make my breakfast the largest meal of the day and dinner the smallest.
        • I also eat more carbohydrates in the morning and less throughout the day. I don't cut them out, I just reduce them by a few 100 calories. If you workout at night you may want to experiment with this. You will need the carbohydrates to fuel your nightly workouts.
        • I also eat more protein toward the end of the day. I do this replace the carb calories I lose in the evening. Protein makes the body work harder to break it down so in the evening it makes the body burn more calories to process it. Good stuff.

  • What Can I eat?

    • Nutrition Guide: If it's in the nutrition guide you can eat it. There is so much food in the guide you should be able to pick a ton of food from that.
    • My Food List: There are some name brand stuff in the list as well as stuff you will see from the nutrition guide.
    • Good Carbohydrates: I added some good carbohydrates to choose from here. You need carbohydrates to drive your workouts. Try and eat Tomatosa starchy carbohydrate with a fibrous carbohydrate when you eat. Check it out.

  • How do I combine them for meals?

    • Breakfast:
      Do not think of cereal type things as the only thing I can eat for breakfast. Some people may argue with me but I eat any clean food for breakfast a lot of the time. If I only have chicken breasts, I'll eat that for breakfast. Your body will eat it and digest it and use it as fuel and nutrition. I see a lot of times where this is the smallest meal of the day. It really should be the largest. It is the one that is getting you ready for an entire day of activity. It's like filling up with 1/2 gallon and then trying to drive 1000 miles. Get the fuel! Get some good carbs in there. Your going to need them. Oh, drink a glass of water first thing.

      • Combinations:
      • 1 Cup Kashi, 1 Cup non-fat milk, 1/4 cup (blue berries, strawberries, raspberries, black berries), 1 Serving Whey Protein Powder
      • 3 egg whites, 2 eggs, wheat toast, 1 Cup carrots
      • 1/2 Cup Kashi Golean, 1/2 Cup Kashi Blueberry, 1 Cup non-fat milk, 1/4 cup (fruit), 1 Serving Protein Powder
      • 1 Serving Shakeology, 1 Banana, 1/2 Cups Oat, 1 tbs raw peanut butter
      • 4oz Top Sirloin, 4 egg whites, 1 wheat toast
      • 1 Kashi Golean instant cereal, 1 Cup melon(water melon, cantaloupe,etc), 1 cup non-fat milk
      • 2 Cups non-fat milk, 1 Serving Shakeology or 1 Serving Whey Protein Powder, 1 Cup Veggie(Carrots, Broccoli,etc), 1 tbs raw Peanut Butter
      • 1/2 Cup Oats, 1/4 Blue Berries, 2 Cups non-fat milk

    • Morning Snacks:

      • Protein Bar, Orange
      • Banana, 1/2 Cup oats
      • 1 Cup Carrots, 1 tbs raw peanut butter
      • 1 Serving Almonds, Protein Bar
      • 1/2 cup oats, blueberries, 1 Cup non-fat milk
      • Shakeology, Banana
      • 1 Serving Whey Protein, Orange

    • Lunch:

      • 6oz Chicken Breast, 1 Cup Celery, 6oz Sweet Potatoes, 1 tbs raw peanut butter
      • 4oz Lean Ground Beef(93/7), 1 Cup Carrots, 1 Cup Field Peas
      • 6oz Turkey Burger, 1 Cup Broccoli, 1/4 Cup Oats, 1/4 blue Berries, 1 tbs raw peanut butter
      • 6oz Chicken Breast, 1 Cup Cauliflower, 32g Whole Wheat Crackers, 1 Serving Almonds
      • 6oz Turkey Breast, 1 Cup Asparagus, 1/2 Cup Brown Rice, 1 Serving Almonds
      • 4oz Turkey Burger on wheat bun, 1 tbs Horseradish Mayo or Mustard, Lettuce, Tomato, Onion, 1 Cup Asparagus, 1 Serving Cashews

    • Evening Snacks:

      • Shake: 1 Serving Whey Protein, Orange, 1/4 Cup Oats, 1 Cup non-fat milk, 1 tbs Peanut Butter
      • Shake: 1 Serving Shakeology, 1/2 Cup Strawberries, 1/4 Cup Oats, 1 Cup non-fat milk. 1 serving almonds on the side
      • Shake: 1 Serving Shakeology, 1/2 Serving Whey Protein Powder, 1/2 Cup Oats, 1 tbs peanut butter, water
      • OR Morning Snake Combo

    • Dinner:

      • 6oz Fish, 1 Cup Green Beans, 1 tbs peanut butter
      • 4oz Lean Ground Beef(93/7), 1 Cup Asparagus, 1 Serving Cashews
      • 6oz Chicken Breast, 1 Cup Spinach, 1/2 Cup Lima beans, 1 serving almonds
      • 6oz Ground Turkey, 1 Cup Black eyed Peas, 1 Cup Cauliflower
      • 4oz Chicken Breast on wheat bun, Horseradish Mayo Spread, Onion, Lettuce, Tomato, 1 Cup Carrots

Recipe Lists from Thread Members:

  • From Tracey(AKA Talligirl22)

    • Power Pita Pizza - from Power 90 Nutrition Guide

      Pita Pocket – whole wheat
      Marinara Sauce – low sugar
      2 oz. Grilled Chicken breast – sliced or chopped
      Shredded mozzarella – (I use the 2%)
      Veggies, veggies, veggies – onions, peppers, broccoli, mushrooms, spinach, banana peppers, really anything you want

      1. Preheat oven to 350
      2. Split whole wheat pita in half, spray inside lightly with olive oil Pam
      3. Toast the open faced pita very lightly – about 3 minutes.
      4. Remove pita and top with the Marina Sauce (about 2T. per pita side)
      5. Top with 1 oz. of chicken for each pita side.
      6. Top with shredded mozzarella.
      7. Bake in oven for 10 minutes.
      8. Enjoy

      I have also made variations:
      BBQ Chicken Pita Pizza
      - Replace the Marinara with your choice of BBQ sauce (a little goes a long way in flavor). And after placing the chicken and before adding the cheese, drizzle an additional teaspoon or so of bbq sauce per pita.

      Turkey Pepperoni Pita Pizza
      - Just replace the grilled chicken with Turkey Pepperoni

      I have also tried this with flat bread, sandwich thins and tortillas. I think the pitas work the best

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Beachbody Coach Update January 9th 2011

MOTIVATION - ACCOUNTABILITY – let’s kick it up a notch!


FROM THE COACH - message about me, you and coaching

NEW TO BEACH BODY – what to do if you just joined Beachbody (p90x, p90, insanity, etc.)


Hi Team!
Well another year is upon us. I have been flooded with people wanting to get fit and lose weight. I get contacted by people all the time about getting healthy. Why do we start a fitness or nutrition program and stop? Why do people talk about starting one but never do? I thought I might tackle a few of these this week and add some the following updates.

1. Have a clear goal.

When you don’t have a clear goal how do you know if you have succeeded or not. How do you know what to aim for. You don’t just shoot into a bush and hope to hit something. You need a definite target. This is the most important thing you can do to start.

Example: I am 155 pounds March 30th 2011 because I followed a healthy nutrition plan and exercised regularly. I am healthier than I have been in years and I feel great.

2. Have a plan for reaching your goal.

Without a plan you will not know how to reach your goal. If you don’t have a plan then how will you know if you are going in the right direction? Having a plan gives you a road map. That is exactly what a plan is, a map. You know when you are of course because the map tells you so. The map has a starting place and the end of the road is your goal. One of the best ways to quickly start is by following an existing structured program. When I first started getting fit my first plan was simply to work out on the Wii for 15 minutes a day for one week and increase to 30 minutes each night for three more weeks after the first week. My goal was to follow a structured program for one month. The structured program was my own, but it got my brain moving forward and was simple. Plan simply at first. Don’t make a map that takes you all over the world with crazy left turns and right turns, keep it simple. Get your plan moving forward. “John, I was supposed to get six pack abs in 90 days and didn’t your program stinks!” Then I ask did you follow the program? “Why yes I did.” Then I ask, what were your daily calories. They respond, “I didn’t count my daily calories.” Then I respond, the program requires you to do that, so that means you didn’t follow the plan. Follow the plan, attack the plan. When planning, keep asking yourself if this course of action will help me reach my goal.

3. Be willing to change and fail.

I know that’s not a very positive statement from me but I find this to be a very important case most of the time. If you are unwilling to change things then you will not succeed. There is no overnight way to do any of this. You have to be willing to change and the if you fail, you have to be willing to change some more. What happens is people don’t have a plan or a goal then try something and it doesn’t work. They fail. Then instead of trying to change something and fix it they give up. It’s not what you do when you succeed that is the most important thing, it’s what you do when you fail. To be successful you have to fail, change it and try again and again until you have reached your goal. I find people that lost 5lbs in a week and stopped. Why? Because they didn’t lose 10lbs. Crazy but true. I see people that go 60 days into a program without missing a day and then stop. Why? Because I didn’t see the results that everyone else got on day 60 even though they had lost 20lbs. It’s at those very times you have to fail and keep going no matter what. Think on this one a lot.

4. Not surrounding yourself with positive people or thoughts.

Stop thinking about your current condition or your past situations. Look forward. Day 30 is here and I have only lost 5lbs, just like last time. I QUIT! Thinking in the past will kill your forward thinking. You are planning on the future, so why are you looking into the past for answers? Find a group, a forum, an email group that are going through the same thing. Facebook is full of them, is full of them. Oh, John, I’ll be embarrassed. I can’t tell you how many people have told me after they finally started communicating with positive people on the same journey how grateful they were for starting. You have to be willing to change. You have to be willing to try things you have not done before. You have to go out on the limb. Watch the biggest loser. I don’t miss an episode. It shows me that this is possible with change, with goals and surrounding myself with positive people. Email me every day if you have to, I’ll be positive with you. Fill your mind every day with your goal.

5. Not removing the blocks

This my friends is the one thing that will kill your forward progress. Think of all the things that are going to block you from your goal. Then you have to plan on how you are going to change them. “My friends at work go to lunch every day and eat at bad restaurants.” Remove: “I will only go once a week with them to lunch and will control my portions and eat clean off the menu, the remainder of the week I will bring my lunch”. Oh, John, my friends will make fun of me for not going. Well, I know my friends were glad to see me trying to get healthy. You have to be willing to change. Write out all the blocks you are going to have an plan on how to unblock them. I talk with people all the time about these sorts of things. “John, I had such a bad day of nutrition. I just couldn’t get a meal in and then gorged myself at dinner.” Did you bring protein bars to work like you planned I would ask. “No, I forgot to.” What did the plan say I would then ask. “It said before I go to bed I will put 3 protein bars in my bag.” Ok, you got off the plan, no biggie. Get back on the plan and try again tomorrow. People come to me telling me why they couldn’t eat right that day. After a few questions I usually have a way they could have avoided the situation by pointing out how they could have removed the block. A good many times they will get frustrated with me because I have removed their excuse. By removing blocks you will succeed. By willing to change the things that are blocking you is the only way.
I want those of you who want to change to contact me. I’ll help you plan. I’ll help you remove the blocks. I’ll help put you in a position to change and change with those like yourself that are creating change and moving forward. Please, please contact me. Don’t wait until the next day, do it now. Right now.




If you want to see a group of positive and forward thinking people who have created goals, planned and changed please join us @ TEAM SIXPACKs group page If you have questions for the group you can send emails directly to the group page by emailing: I have also created a fan page for TEAM SIXPACK on Facebook here: Please join the fan page. It will help you meet people going through the same things we all are. KEEP MOVING FORWARD! We will not bite you. Join us, ask us. Get moving forward.
WHO IS TEAM SIXPACK: Team Six Pack is made up of you. You and people striving for the same thing. This is SYNERGISTIC fitness. Putting all the little pieces together to sky rocket our fitness experience to the next level. I have started a new thread for my fourth round of P90X here: Please join this group no matter what you are doing. It is where accountability is key. We are in this together. Join us.


Many people keep asking me why I spend so much time helping people get fit and lose weight. Several reasons. One is that once I got on the road to fitness I couldn’t stop. I love what it does for me and what it has done for those around me. I’m crazy passionate about fitness. Second, I get paid. Yep. I make my money of the products you as my clients buy from the site. I want to do this full time some day and the only way I can get there is with your support. By buying products from me, you help me continue to support you. This is my second job. This is how I make those ends meet. Many, many of you buy product from me or have club memberships. Thanks for your support. This is the best second job EVER!

You can always find out what's going on with me at my site, or my blog. Check it out! Please like my Facebook fan page and help promote SYNERGISTIC FITNESS to others! You tweet? Follow me on twitter.

You all have a great week and thanks for being a part of what makes TEAM SIXPACK great. YOU!

John Cowart
Independent Beachbody Coach

Social Networks:
P90X/Fitness Thread:
Facebook -
Twitter -
Blog -
Beachbody -



Are you completely new to Beachbody?

First thing I always suggest is getting on a forum group for your program to help with accountability and support. Trust me. It was the best thing I ever did to get me to where I am today. When you surround yourself with like-minded people with the same goal SYNERGISTIC things happen.

Go here Programs and find your program or here Support. Then find a post that is close to your date and introduce yourself, tell your goal.

Second. Log all your workouts in WOWY. You can win cash and prizes daily. It helps to reinforce your fitness. It's the same thing I always mention about writing your goals down daily. This is the same concept except you could win some nice prizes or cash just for reaching your goal. What's better than that.

Third. Contact me. Send me an email and let me know your alive and what I can do to help you. Let's chat about your goals and get a strategy going for your transformation. In this way I can open up more things to help you SYNERGIZE your fitness.

Fourth. Join the TEAM SIXPACK group. This is how we show unity in our fitness together. See all the other members of TEAM SIXPACK who are on the same mission as your are. Support each other!

Fifth. Calculate your daily calorie intake using BeachBodies Fitness Tools. If you have questions on it email me.