Sunday, April 29, 2012

P90x amd Insanity Hybrid Calories

My thoufhts on P90X and Insanity hybrid. Make sure u get your cals in or your muscles will take a hit. you will need a minimum of 7-8 hours of sleep. if you get fatigued skip a day of insanity for a light jog instead. you will need to replenish your carbs prior to your weight days and post insanity. that timing depends on when you do those routines.
if your fatigued its from not enough rest or not enough carbs or to much close together or a combination of the three. if its just to much manipulate your rest days and or switch insanity and jogging or just rest. On rest days lower your cals to maintenance cals. This is a base line. Your carb intake depends on you, your goals and the workday/play day cal expenditures.