Friday, November 12, 2010



Hey Team, once again we cover the topic of change. Currently I’m still patiently waiting for my chest to heal. I have been working out day in and day out for over a year now and loving every minute. Feels nice and cozy. Comfort. Then I had to change it due to my injury. Make the changeI started feeling complacent, doubtful and worried. Oh, man will I start gaining fat? Will I lose the muscle I have gained? This was a change from what I had become accustom to. I didn’t like it. I didn’t like the change.  It’s what wrecks most of our efforts to reach our goals. We are forced to change what we do day in and day out for better or for worse. We want change but don’t want to change what we do to get there. It disrupts our daily routines. It disrupts our comfort zone. It may even disrupt other peoples comfort zone.


We have to change what you do each and every day to make change in your fitness. It’s not just the weekends its EVERY DAY! Each and every day. Embrace change and see it as a FANTASTIC and WONDERFUL way to put you in a place where have always wanted to be. So what if you can’t eat a big mac. Trade it in for the body and life you deserve. People who succeed have one thing in common. They change. They try it and when it doesn’t work they change it. When they asked Edison what his secret was to invent the light bulb, he said he figured out 10,000 ways NOT to invent the light bulb first. If you only change a little, you get a little change. Make a big change and you get a big change. Change You first have to change and keep changing. Embrace it and make it work. Throw out fear and replace with strength. Write it down. Each and every day. I AM CHANGING,  I AM FEARLESS,  I LOVE CHANGE! When your brain believes it your life will also. WRITE IT, BE IT!


We are all changing together here so you are not alone. I have your back and so do millions of other people on the same journey. You are never alone. When you push play, when you make the right nutrition decision, you are not alone. We are all here together with you making the same decisions day in and day out. DO IT and CHANGE! This team is moving forward.






Hey TeamSixPack!

     If you haven't seen it on Facebook yet, it's true: Beachbody is waiving the initial $39.95 start up fee as a Coach/Preferred Customer for the rest of the year starting yesterday. That means anyone can get a program or product right off the bat at a 25% discount, and only pay the $14.95 a month after the first. You'll save $30 on the initial order of P90X, for example, and if you use the Recovery Drink and a box of protein bars per month, you'll be saving money every month. That's in addition to being able to build a business with this just by telling others to do the exact same thing.

     If someone buys Shakeology as a Coach/Preferred Customer it's $89, vs. $119 retail. Add in the $14.95 per month service charge and it's still only $103.95, which is $16 off the retail cost. If they get it auto shipped on Home Direct, it's free shipping. That's $3.46 per serving.. you can't go into a store and buy a Muscle Milk Protein Shake (pre-made) for that much. You can't buy a healthy meal for breakfast anywhere for that much. Most people spend more on Starbucks every day than that.

The best part of it all is if you love Shakeology, tell your friends about it. Then they can sign up with you and order it at the Coach/Preferred Customer discount and no sign up fee as well and you can earn 25% commision.

This is a big, big deal people! I just had to share this with you all! The have also released a new Shakeology video on what 100 doctors think about Shakeology.  Listen to it from my site: 100 Doctors Can't Be Wrong



WHO IS TEAM SIXPACK: Team Six Pack is made up of you. You and people striving for the same thing. This is SYNERGISTIC fitness. Putting all the little pieces together to sky rocket our fitness experience to the next level. Sum of the whole. I will be placing a TEAM SIXPACK support thread on the forums in a few days where we can meet and discuss our journeys. Help support each other and many others that may need our help. I'll post the link in the next weekly coaches email.

You can always find out what's going on with me at my site, or my
blog. Check it out! Please like my Facebook fan page and help promote SYNERGISTIC FITNESS to others! You tweet? Follow me on twitter.
You all have a great week and thanks for being a part of what makes TEAM SIXPACK great. YOU!

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