Sunday, May 29, 2011

My Week With Lean Ground Beef - how I prevailed

Last week was week of ground beef week. emoticon Yeah, wife bought it and her and the kids had to go out of town and I couldn't let that food go to waste. If I didn't understand my body and nutrition I would not have eaten it. I learned how to combine foods for certain results within my body. 

Try and read a little about nutrition each day. If you google nutrition for just a little each day, over time you will have an arsenal of nutritional knowledge that will blow you away. Its the same thing we do in P90X. We start with one pull up and build from there. Each week we add one more. By the end of 90 days we are doing 100's of pull ups in an entire session. Learning and adding a little at a time is fundamental. You can't build a house in one day but you can lay a brick.

I countered the lean ground beef by reducing processed foods, adding in fiber and faster digesting foods. This helps  to keep things moving in the digestive department for met. I use Shakeology and fibrous vegetables to help in that departments. Shakeology has a ton of prebiotics and probiotics that help with digestion. 
Ground beef processes really slow. Slow processing food will hold back other food you will need to fuel your workouts, your metabolism and vitamins your body needs to repair. 

How I know I was successful in keeping things moving was that my overall body weight did not go up during this time. If I didn't understand what was going on then I may think I was gaining fat instead of food weight. Typically the beef would have held up other foods causing more food weight during the week and thus my overall weight, not body fat, would have increased. Since I took action to counter that it didn't happen.

At the end of this week my body fat decreased like I wanted and keeping weight roughly the same as I wanted. I'm going slow with the weight loss so my calories are a little under my LBM (Lean Body Mass) calorie needs. I did my LBM calculation yesterday and now will lower my calories by 100 to stay on target with 10% body fat loss. 

It's Memorial day weekend. PORTION CONTROL is the tool to use this weekend and remember your goals. Show good examples to others but do it in a non-confrontational way. When people see you eating healthy they sometimes want you to eat more. Not because they want you to fail but because that is what they are used to just like we were.

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