Saturday, August 21, 2010


Goals. Pick one.

Write it down. Be specific. If you want to lose weight, pick an amount and a time. Maybe it's 1lb a week. Nice goal. 50lbs in 60 days? Sounds good. Pick it and write it down. You can't just write down lose weight because you haven't given your mind a target. Yep a target. When you give you brain a goal and you confirm this every day by writing it down, your mind will begin to recognize it as important. Pay attention here this is key. The more and more your brain is reinforced that this is important the subconscious will begin to act on it. Because your subconscious is working with you on gaining your goal you will begin to do things without thinking about it to reach your goal. Professional athletes use this technique day in and day out. It's why we call them PRO's.
Remember, this is SYNERGISTIC fitness. Every little thing makes up the whole fitness experience. This is just one more tool in your journey to fitness. Use it in conjunction with all the other tools available and the sum of it all will propel your fitness experience to new heights. Use me, use the Beachbody forums to help with accountability, write down your goals, read fitness magazines, etc. It all adds up. Write down what is keeping you from achieving what you know is yours. Figure out how to remove that obstacle and do it. Write it down, and write down the solution. You know what it is, you have to put it down and act on it. Now, pick up a pen and move this thing forward!

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