Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day 17 Report - P90x Insanity Weight Lifting Hybrid Program

     Really brought it to my morning INSANITY workout. For some reason I had it in my mind I had to much body fat and it propelled my workout. Mistake. Why? Never let fear guide you in that way. I mean misguided fear. After doing my body fat, weight, and measurements I know I'm on target. In your fitness journeys realize what is misguided fear and what "real" fear. Fear of eating at a fast food restaurant every day and not exercise should give you a good dose of "healthy" fear and is a well-founded fear. Doing something because I just "think" I have to much body fat without properly calculating to prove it is an "unfounded" fear. Doesn't sound like a big deal and in that instance it's not that harmful. I deal with people that use unfounded fears to hamper their fitness. "Oh, I have to order desert and eat at all these dinners or my co-workers will hate me." How do you know? Did you cut your portions size by 1/2 or even 1/4? They wouldn't even notice. Making a decision without truly knowing the out come. Don't get me wrong, fear is critical in life. Yeah, I have a fear that if I walk out in traffic I may get injured. Yeah, healthy fear. ;) Ok, off rant.
     On to the workouts. I continue to keep weight very very low on the 16 count routines to save energy for the main arm and shoulder routines and continue to do those to failure while increasing weight. My wrists tend to wear down toward the end of the workouts so I probably need to back off some weight somewhere until they get used to the weight and routines at that weight. On the dips I went from last week of 25lbs in my lap to 30lbs at 20 reps each. I used to do over 40 dips a set, but with the weight I really feel it. When doing dips really focus on the traps and upper back. If you can't feel it there adjust until you do. Really monitored form this session and made sure I did go crazy overboard with the weight like last week. When I do that it leads to hurting my wrists some.

Day 17 Workout(s):

INSANITY: Plyometrics (morning)

Pre Supplement: Protein Shake(mixed with 2tbs honey, 2 cups coffee) My morning SLAMMER. use coffee(ice) and honey (2tbsp) to increase protein/amino uptake into muscles to stop catabolism.
During Workout Supplement:
p90x Recovery Drink
Post Workout: Immediately Following:
P90x Recovery Drink(drank rest in bottle)
High Complex-Carb breakfast 1 hour later(2 cups kashi cereal, 2 cups non-fat milk)

Hear Rate:
Total Time: 41minutes
Average HR: 152
Peak HR: 180
Minimum HR: 92
Calories Burned: 648

P90X: Shoulders And Arms(evening)

Pre Supplement:p90x Recovery Drink w/Glutamine and some Arginine
During Workout Supplement:

p90x Recovery Drink
Post Workout: Immediately Following:
p90x Recovery Drink

- On any 16 mandatory rep count lowest weight possible
- weight in lap for dips

Hear Rate:
Total Time: 1:07 minutes
Average HR: 115
Peak HR: 145
Minimum HR: 79
Calories Burned: 605

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